REPORT: Seahawks head coach reacts to fans predict on futures of Geno Smith. “I’m really ashamed”

Offseason prediction time continues! Last year, fans and analysts were all over the place with regard to what the Seattle Seahawks should do with their Top 5 pick. Of course, quarterback was a hot topic, but it seems that the buzz has quieted somewhat in 2024. Despite missing the playoffs and battling through injuries and damned-if-you-do/damned-when-it-isn’t-possible stretches this season, more than two-thirds of fans surveyed expect Geno Smith to not only be on the roster, but to be the starter in Week 1. Next up are two trade possibilities and the exceptionally unpopular “Won’t Start In Week 1.” Clearly, the reality that a lot of us are seeing is that Geno is likely going to give this team the best chance to win in the immediate future.

Next up is the topic of ‘Tight end.’ While this hasn’t been a position that typically features top-tier production for the Seahawks in recent seasons, that doesn’t mean the value hasn’t been there. Last season, Noah Fant proved to be a valuable receiving option, particularly when he put his after-the-catch prowess on display. Similarly, Colby Parkinson had some impressive moments and has a uniquely imposing frame. Will Dissly may not have developed into the home run threat that we saw in his first couple injury-plagued seasons, but he still brings a lot to the table. Unfortunately, the cap is real (despite what you may have heard) and the position may not be in for a big upgrade. In fact, significant departures are the more pressing reality. Fans surveyed are predicting some big turnover, with only Parkinson getting the vote of confidence. The spread wasn’t as large on this topic though, as the second option of Fant and Parkinson wasn’t too far behind.


Finally we get to the topic of draft picks and how the Seahawks don’t have some of them. Primarily, that second round pick that they sent to the New York Giants in exchange for Leonard Williams. Was it worth it? Hard to say, as Williams performed admirably but is also an expensive roster-rental for only part of a season. Either way, exactly half of those surveyed think that the Seahawks should try to acquire a second-round pick by trading down. This is interesting, as it begs the question… what would they get in return? Otherwise, the next most popular option was a scenario that involves trading a player. For the record, very few are hoping for a “trade up.”

A trade down scenario certainly seems to be a popular one; this still doesn’t answer the question of what the Seahawks will do with the Leonard Williams situation, but that is a topic for another time.

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