Detroit Lions DC Aaron Glenn: ‘There’s no free rides on this defense’

Detroit Lions DC Aaron Glenn: ‘There’s no free rides on this defense’

When it comes to the Detroit Lions defense, there’s no room for complacency. Defensive lineman Isaiah Buggs epitomizes the team’s ethos: hard work and commitment are the only paths to success. As Aaron Glenn, the team’s defensive coordinator, asserts, there are no free rides on this defense, and every player must consistently earn their place.

A Culture of Accountability

The Detroit Lions’ 2023-24 season is characterized by a culture of accountability and hard work, instilled by defensive coordinator Aaron Glenn. In this competitive environment, no player, regardless of their draft status or prior experience, receives a free pass.

“I don’t know if you want to call it adversity, but listen, you earn your right. I’ve been saying that since ’21 when I first got here,” said Glenn. “That’s not gonna change, that’s just who I am as a coach. There’s no free rides on this defense. It doesn’t matter if you’re first pick, last pick, practice squad, doesn’t matter. Every time you go out there on the grass, you’re earning the right to go out there and play with the other men. That’s my responsibility, to make sure. I have a responsibility to all of the guys, I have a responsibility to the head coach, to the coaching staff, to make sure that we play the guys that are gonna play up to a high level. Buggs is doing that right now, which we knew that he can do. It’s nothing against him not doing what he needs to do, it’s just other guys stepping up.”

Why it Matters

Isaiah Buggs’ journey exemplifies this culture. When the coaching staff decided he needed time on the bench, he didn’t sulk or complain. Instead, he embraced the challenge, promising to do whatever it took to return to the lineup stronger than ever. Since his comeback, Buggs has made a significant impact on the team’s performance, contributing to improvements in both pass-rushing and run defense.

Bottom Line – Earning Every Opportunity

The Detroit Lions’ defense is defined by a commitment to hard work, resilience, and the understanding that nothing is given; everything is earned. In this culture, no player enjoys a free ride, no matter their background or experience. Isaiah Buggs’ journey serves as a testament to this principle, highlighting how players embrace adversity and work tirelessly to prove their worth. As the Lions navigate the challenges of the season, the culture of earning every opportunity remains a driving force, ensuring that only those who consistently deliver their best take the field.


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