Corona airs Zalewski ‘evidence’ and claims he has Zaniolo recordings.

Fabrizio Corona aired what he claims is evidence Nicola Zalewski placed bets on tennis matches, while insisting he also has ‘audio showing that Nicolò Zaniolo’ gambled, with accusations against Stephan El Shaarawy, Federico Gatti and Nicolò Casale.

The gossip columnist, known as the King of the Paparazzi who spent time in prison for blackmailing football players and clubs with photographs, is working with website Dillinger News on the betting scandal in the world of Calcio.

He spoke to Striscia La Notizia in a video that was aired this evening, where he made more accusations fuelled by his source.

This was revealed to be the uncle of former Inter youth team player Antonio Esposito, who never actually played for the senior squad.

Corona had promised big revelations on RAI 3 last night, only to then claim the programme had ‘censored’ his appearance by removing the names and audio recordings.

“I was really upset, because we had made agreements, we did work and we objectively have evidence. Can a presenter announce an audio clip of four people involved, then it is not aired by the director?” said Corona.

This happened on the programme last night during the RAI 3 show, with an interview that was then abruptly cut short.

“If they had told me that these clips would not be aired, then I simply would not have come on. So did someone call them during the show to stop it? I have the names, I have the recordings, I have the documents.

“Zalewski has been gambling for years. He is very good friends with El Shaarawy, Zaniolo and that whole group. We would’ve brought the interceptions showing that Zaniolo gambled. Did you see what Fagioli said, that all the Under-21 players gamble? We were right.

“I tell you Casale had a row with the Under-21 squad because he is up to his neck in it. Fagioli talked about Gatti, so that confirms it too. I could give you lots of names, but I work for money. I do it for money, so pay me.

“Besides, only a rat says names, and I am not a rat. On RAI 3 they had the audio of Zaniolo, a video of Zalewski at the Blu Lounge kicking the ball around, talking about tennis and Djokovic, asking Anto how much he bet. Anto is Antonio Esposito, the nephew of my source, who was placing the bets for him.”

Lawyers representing Roma forward El Shaarawy, Juventus defender Gatti and Lazio centre-back Casale have all come forward to deny the allegations and promise legal action against Corona.

Striscia La Notizia was interviewing Corona to give him the famous Tapiro d’Oro award, a golden tapir handed to someone who is particularly long-faced and upset due to a news story.

“Why don’t you give the Tapiro to Spalletti, who the first evening said it was only right that players pay if they made mistakes, then the next day he started insulting me? We lose 3-1 with half his midfield involved. The most absurd thing in the world is that he then kicked out Tonali and Zaniolo, but who does he call? El Shaarawy!”

Corona has also pledged to start ‘outing’ players who are gay, claiming he has a list of them.

“I already wrote one on Telegram. We are in a ‘new’ era with everyone talking about gay rights, so why are there no openly gay players? Why will they not admit it?”

There is one openly gay player in football and specifically in Serie A, namely Cagliari midfielder Jakub Jankto.

Corona is a self-confessed Inter supporter and while talking about the gay players, got half-way through saying “there’s one at Int” and then stopped himself.

“I can’t name players from my own team, you know that!”


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